Blog: 2018

Brussels - Best City to Live In

Brussels is one of the wonderful cities whether you are looking forward to stay in this charming city for longer time or you are looking for a job in this wonderful city. There is plenty of reason why Brussels is most visited city in Belgium.

5 Simple Energy Conservation Ideas For Your Home

While most potential home buyers, consider their monthly mortgage payment (including principal, interest, and escrow/ taxes), many, fail to adequately consider other monthly expenses, associated with home ownership. Perhaps the most significant one, is the cost of energy - related activities, including electric, and heart. The purpose of this article is not to examine the many alternative heating alternatives, including solar, geo - thermal, etc, but rather, to review some simple steps, one can somewhat easily take, to make their home more energy - efficient, and friendly.

Utilities in Brussels

Many of the articles you’ll read about living in Brussels discuss the wonderful architecture, the range of fascinating museums and the delicious choice of food and drink awaiting anyone who goes to live there. While all of this – and much more – is undoubtedly true, there are also the basic realities of life to get to grips with. Once you’ve rented or purchased a place to live in Brussels, you’ll have to set about arranging the basic utilities such as gas, electricity, water, telephone and internet and television.

Eu-rentals Survey 2018

Here at we like to think we provide a first rate service for all our users. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to live, renting out a property or just want to access information and advice on living and working in Belgium, our site offers everything you need in one easily accessed place. Even though we’re experts when it comes to creating websites of this kind, however, we know that there’s no such thing as perfection, and so we’re always working to make things better.

How to Take Great Photos of Your Property

How to Take Great Photos of Your Property

Telecommunications in Belgium

Telephone & Internet

Fixed Phone Line and Internet Connection

The first step toward getting a phone line and internet connection in Belgium is to register with Belgacom, the leading national telecom provider.  Once you’ve signed up for a subscription your landline connection will be activated or, if needed, your fixed line will be installed, and you’ll be free to access internet and telephone services from any of the many companies operating in the country.

What Languages Are Spoken In Belgium?

Belgium is a genuinely multi-lingual country, something which is particularly true in a city like Brussels and which is driven by the presence of international corporations and bodies such as the EU and NATO. Officially, the country is divided into different linguistic regions. The five provinces in the north and northeast of the country have Dutch as the official language, and these are:

Moving to Belgium - tips

Whether you’ve decided to leave Belgium altogether, or are moving from one property to another, there are certain things which need to be done to make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible. The following guide breaks the process down into individual steps, including details of the official bodies which need to be informed of your move.   

Inform the local municipality

Housing and Rentals in Belgium

Housing and Rentals

Compared to some European countries, Belgium offers a good deal to anyone wishing to rent a property. This is because leases on rental properties are stable, secure and longer term, with aspects such as annual rent rises and the responsibility for repairs and upkeep being well established from the outset. There are four types of basic rental contract in Belgium:

Subscribe to Blog: 2018